In addition to this website (the main MCA website):
Global Mental Health-Map. This site lists key resources for Global Mental Health (GMH). It helps to provide a “global map for a global movement” in order to better understand and navigate the GMH domain and find relevant ways for connecting and contributing. The site is part of an ongoing collaborative project to research, compile, and share GMH materials. We have published 10 overview articles on GMH (2011-2021). Links to these articles are on the GMH-Map website and also in the GMH-Map section of this MCA website.
Global MCA. This is the site for the Global Member Care book series, with previews, updates, endorsements, etc. The series, like our MCA website, is designed to further equip the diversity of people with member care responsibility around the world, including leaders, colleagues, professional caregivers, trainers, sending groups, and academic institutions. Underlying all three volumes is the commitment to grow deeply and go broadly as we provide quality services within the mission/aid community and in light of the major challenges affecting the world.
Volume One: The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice (2011)
Volume Two: Crossing Sectors for Good Practice (2013)
Volume Three: Stories and Strategies–All Peoples…TBD
CORE Member Care: Reflections and Resources for Good Practice. We started this weblog in 2006 (325+ entries as of April 2021). The thoughts and tools are designed to explore the many facets and current issues of member care. The weblog also endeavours to help us all look into our own hearts as we further develop our member care skills. Examples of previous topics: global integrity, global integrators, global integration, transparency, resiliency, culture/diversity in international health, safety/protection, and MC history. Click here for the complete Index. To be notified when there are new entries, go to the top of the blog and type your email into “Follow this Blog.”
Resources for Good Practice: Member Care Updates. Monthly updates with special resources to support those with member care responsibility. The Updates are designed to encourage us as learners-practitioners who cross cultures, disciplines, and sectors for good practice. The Updates began in 2009 (140+ issues) and are archived on the main MCA website here: It is easy and free to sign up—click on this link to do so: The archived versions since April 2012 also include a translation tool into 45+ languages.
Common Ground for the Common Good: Global Integration Updates. These monthly Updates are designed to help you connect and contribute with our globalizing world–global integration (GI). We encourage colleagues across sectors to consider what it means to be global integrators: global learners-practitioners who are committed to pursuing “common ground for the common good” with integrity. The first weblog entries on GI began in July 2011 on our CORE Member Care blog site. They are archived on this website here:
Reality DOSE: Promoting Health in Mission/Aid Settings. This site offers a practical and thought-provoking article in 12 languages. It explores the crucial topic of personal/systemic health and dysfunction. Additional links connect you with resources for good practice, business ethics, financial stewardship, and accountability.
**Giants, Foxes, Wolves, and Flies: Managing Life’s Meta-4s. This special web page includes an article about four common areas of struggle and growth for mission/aid personnel (in five languages, on the Reality DOSE website).
Member Caravan: Traveling Together as Learners-Practitioners. This site is oriented for those who are interested/involved in member care and international work in the health care fields, especially graduate students. The materials were uploaded primarily between 2009-2014 and include interviews, historical quotes on the integration of mental health and missions; articles, training resources, links to other materials, etc. As of 2014 most of the updates and information are now put on the main MCA website. Note: Caravan is also the name of a group of graduate students, professors, and health care people in the Southern California area. They met intermittently over a 10 year period to share their personal experiences, discuss mental health issues related to missions and international work, obtain training from experts in the field, and network with other students and professionals. The Caravan group is currently inactive.