–Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Its opposite is corruption: the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people.
–Global integrity is moral wholeness at all levels in our world—from the individual to the institutional to the international. Global integrity is requisite for “building the future we want—being the people we need.” It is not easy, it is not always black and white, and it can be risky. (Global Integrity, CORE Member Care weblog, 2016)
Living in Global Integrity
Materials from MCA
Articles and chapters, presentations and events,
resource updates and weblogs
Special Events and Campaigns
Global Integrity Day–9 June 2024
Fighting Human Trafficking with Solidarity, Skills, and Integrity
Global Integrity Day–9 June 2023
Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption
Sharing Our Stories and Strategies
UN Anti-Corruption Day–9 Decembber 2022
UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption
Global Integrity Day–9 June 2022
Integrity and Corruption in the Health Sector
Coming soon–Spotlight Events!
Spotlight events for UN International Anti-Corruption Day
Theme: Your right, your role: Say no to corruption, 9 December 2021
Click here for information on the UNODC’s six week anti-corruption campaign.
—Integrity: Fighting the Evil of Corruption
9 December 2021, 9am–11am (New York Time)
Organized by the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network
Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Association
Update–Presentations available HERE
—Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care: Why do we speak so little about them?
13 December 2021 1:00pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Organised by the Faith and Public Integrity Network
RSVP here to register and receive the Zoom link
Anti-Corruption: Perspectives and Practices. 21 August 2021, 9am–11am (New York Time)
Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network, Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Alliance.
Update: You can access the five presentations (video and written) as well as sign up for the upcoming Virtual Cafes to interact on Corruption and Culture, Government, Business, and Church. Click HERE
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2021–Moral Lives Matter
Theme: Corruption and Poverty
‘A positive and solemn day for cultivating lifestyles of integrity throughout the year.’
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2020–Moral Lives Matter
Theme: Corruption and Racism
‘A positive and solemn day for cultivating lifestyles of integrity throughout the year.’
—Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Key Resources to Support Lausanne Networks
and the Global Church-Mission Community (July 2022). Global Integrity Network (GIN) of the Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Alliance. See the shorter version without descriptions HERE.
—Strategic Interactions 2022–Living in Integrity and Fighting Corruption–10 Quotes with Responses for Moral Courage and Good Practice (March 2022).
–Living in Global Integrity–Moral Wholeness for a More Whole World–chapter in Essays on Holistic Biblical Ministries, Volume 22 of the WEA World of Theology Series (March 2022). See the additional Multi-Sectoral Resources that have been compiled to accompany this chapter.
—UN Anti-Corruption Efforts Perspectives and Examples (December 2021)
—Ten Resources for Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Moral Resilience and Relevance for the Church Mission Community (November 2020). Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network.
—Integrity and Anti-Corruption Resource List (March 2020)
—Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World as Global Integrators
Lausanne Global Analysis (January 2020). Part two of three parts is on Global Integrity.
Link HERE for a copy of the article with a basic translation tool into 50 languages.
—Global Integrity: Resources for the In Pursuit of Integrity Conference–handout
Global Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network, Lausanne and WEA, Manila, The Philippines (24 June 2019)
A Summons to a Global Integrity Movement: Fighting Self-Deception and Corruption
Lausanne Global Analysis (March 2018) (link to a copy with a translation tool for 50 languages HERE)
Integrity and Accountability for United Nations Staff: Part Two—Staying the Course
UN Special (April 2017); pdf version for parts 1 and 2 HERE
Integrity and Accountability for United Nations Staff: Part One–Navigating the Terrain
UN Special (March 2017): pdf version for parts 1 and 2 HERE
Loving Truth and Peace: A Case Study of Family Resilience in Dealing with Mission/Aid Corruption
Family Accountability in Mission (2013)
Ethics in Member Care: Towards an International Framework
Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists, Pastors (2013)
Wise Doves and Innocent Serpents? Promoting Health and Confronting Dysfunction in the Mission Community
Member Care in India: Ministry Call to Home Call (2012)
Ethics and Human Rights in Member Care–Part Three (four chapters) in Global Member Care (Volume One): The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice (2011). See especially chapter 11 on the relevance of hman rights and moral law and the eight resources for good practice in chapter 12.
Reality DOSE: Promoting Health in the Mission/Aid Sector
(12 translations of the original 2007 article “Wise as Doves and Innocent as Serpents”)
Presentations and Events
—Summary Reflections and Suggestions: The International Anti-Corruption Conference (6-10 December 2022); Virtual Cafe: Good Overcomes Evil–Integrity Overcomes Corruption, Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network (17 December 2022)
—A Psychologist’s Journey into Global Integrity. Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network Conference —“Integrity and Anti-Corruption on the Frontlines” (30 April 2022) See also the written summary of Reflections and Resources for the Interview.
–Spotlight Event for Global Integrity Day (GID), 9 June 2021
Courage against Corruption during COVID-19. Organized by the Faith and Public Integrity Network and featuring the work of the Association for a More Just Society, Honduras. Videos/audios and the two power point presentations HERE. See also the GID website for other special events.
—Tools for Integrity: Strategic Conversations (power point, 30 November 2020)
Lausane/WEA Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network
—Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2020–Moral Lives Matter
—Moral lives matter: Global integrity for global citizens—Reflections and resources for the church-mission community. Poster for Globethics Conference : Building New Bridges Together—Strengthening Ethics in Higher Education after COVID-19. Geneva, 17-25 June 2020
—Health for Peace: Contributions from Peace Psychology
(presentation 7 November 2018, video HERE)
Geneva Peace Week 2018, United Nations
Global Integration–Global Integrity: Applications for Christians in Leadership
Doctor of Ministry Program, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (presentation 17 May 2018)
Integrity for Managers (discussion of two short articles) (10 August 2017)
Graduate and Professional Programs, course, St. Mary’s University, USA. Handouts
Global Integration and Global Integrity: Applications for Mental Health Professionals Graduate School of Clinical Psychology, George Fox University
(presentation 23 March 2017)
Living in Integrity as Global Citizens
Trio Gathering (10 December 2016)
Loving Truth and Peace:
Mental Health Professionals and Corruption in the Church-Mission Community.
Poster session and handouts.
Christian Association for Psychological Studies Conference (March 2016, Dallas, USA)
—Loving Truth and Peace: A Case Study in Family Resilience—Mission/Aid Corruption Overseas Mission Study Center, USA (June 2013)
Resource Updates, Websites, and Weblogs
Being the People Our World Needs–Reflections on Living In Truth
Global Integration Update (June 2024)
Reality DOSE: Resources for Living in Integrity
(our original website on health/dysfunction, integrity/corruption from 2008
updated 7/2020, featuring the “Wise Doves-Innocent Serpents” article in 12 languages)
Lessons for Integrity, Action, and Healing: Professional Review of NCI et al
Member Care–Special News Update (October 2018)
Whistleblowing: Responsible Practices for Healthy Organizations
Member Care–Special News Update (July 2018)
Moral Care: Resources for Living in Integrity
Member Care Update (May 2017)
Living in Global Integrity
Global Integration Update (April 2017)
Global Integrity: Moral Wholeness for a Whole World (25 weblog entries)
CORE Member Care: Reflections, Research, and Resources for Good Practice (2016)
Living in Integrity
Member Care Update (March 2016)
Counting the Cost–Living with Integrity and Courage
Member Care Update (January 2015)
Character Counts
Member Care Update (August 2014)
Member Character
Member Care Update (July 2012)
Confronting Corruption: Safeguards for Staff and Senders
Member Care Update (April 2012)
Moral Competence
Member Care Update (June 2011)
Building New Bridges Together: Strengthening Ethics in Higher Education after COVID-19. Globethics, virtual conference with four tracks, 25 June 2020, pre-conference events 17-24 June https://www.globethics.net/building-new-bridges-together
International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC–Number 19) Busan, Korea, 1-4 December 2020, Transparency International is the Secretariat for the IACCs
OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum (every two years, cancelled for March 2020, Paris) https://anticorruption-integrity.oecd.org/forum/home/
Faith and Public Integrity Network
Third Summit, Tegucigalpa Honduras, January 2020
Integrity and Anti-Corruption Conference, Global Integrity Network,
Lausanne Movement (20-22 June 2019, Manila, The Philippines). https://www.globalintegritynetwork.org/
Anti-Corruption Summit, London 2016 (one time event, primarily governments) https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/anti-corruption-summit-london-2016
Ongoing meetings and events at the United Nations Vienna. UN Office of Drugs and Crime; UN Convention Against Corruption, etc. https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/corruption/index.html?ref=menuside
1. We (Kelly and Michele) are part of thee integrity/anti-corruption networks:
a. Faith and Public Integrity Network (FPIN, 2019)
We do resource contributions/blog posts.
b. Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network (GIN, 2019, Executive Team)
We do resource contributions/blog posts.
c. PETRA People Network. This Network was set up in 2010 and is committed to promoting peace, transparency, and accountability in all sectors of society and especially in the international Church-Mission Community (CMC). The general focus is on encouraging/developing personal and organizational integrity and on preventing/confronting corruption. The specific focus is on the Nordic Capital Investments KB fraud (NCI) and requesting people, including specific CMC leaders and organizations, to help by verifiably disclosing how they have been affected by NCI. We are part of PETRA People as individuals and not on behalf of an organization. For more information:
–weblog (60+entries: http://petranetwork.blogspot.fr/)
–website (https://sites.google.com/site/petrapeople/)
–Shine the Light-Together petition (https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/shine-the-light-together)
–Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/PETRAPeopleNetwork/)
2. We also moderate the Loving Truth and Peace weblog which was started in August 2018. The weblog features the Professional Review done by Rand Guebert on the Nordic Capital Investments KB fraud, dismissals, and related events affecting many people and organizations especially in the international Church-Mission Community.
3. See also the Into Integrity website, tracking with Kelly’s 40 day food fast–hunger strike and Michele and Kelly’s 14 podcasts and various blogposts (first 20 day phase 6-26 June 2019 and second 20 day phase 6-26 December 2019). The purpose of the Into Integrity FAST is to call attention to–and confront–the lack of disclosures by specific organizations/leaders/people affected by the international Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI) as well as the related dismissals that Michele and Kelly experienced. This was a time of FAsting for genuine contrition and STriking for resolute action within the Church Mission Community (CMC). it was done in the spirit of the solemn, national fast called publicly by the prophet JoeI, for repentance and healing.
Key Global Integrity Resources
- Living Integrity–Confronting CorruptionGlobal Integrity Day is a positive day to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year. It is also a strategic day…Read more on the website.