Since the 1980’s, the O’Donnells have contributed a steady stream of materials including publications and presentations to support mission and member care globally. A priority has been to make as many of them as possible available for easy downloading and listening as well as translations. Below are examples of their six books and one special journal issue.
Coming around September 2024–Volume 3 in the Global Member Care series: Staying the Course Among All Peoples –Sharing Our Stories and Strategies. Preview HERE.

Global Member Care (vol 2): Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013)
Global Member Care (vol 3): Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (Sep 2024)
For an overview of the book, endorsements, ordering information (paperback and ebook) etc. visit Global MCA

Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and Practices from Around the World (2002).
All or parts of this book (50 chapters and over 60 authors in the original version) are available in these languages below:
Korean–published by Christian Literature Crusade, Seoul (hardback, 2004)
Portuguese (shorter version 2006, contact Descoberta)
Spanish (shorter version 2006, 22 chapters available for free download, COMIBAM)
Chinese (online, several chapters, 2006)
Arabic (online, several chapters, 2008)

Missionary Care: Counting the Cost (1992)
All 25 chapters are available to read/download on the Member Caravan site.

Helping Missionaries Grow: Readings in Mental Health and Missions (1988)
All 50 chapters are available to read/download, including audio files on the Member Caravan site.

IJFM, Special Member Care Issue (October 1995)
Guest Editor: Kelly O’Donnell