Here are some of the main materials that we have featured over the past few years.(2014-current) They include member care items as well as other items mostly from the humanitarian, development, human resources, health and mental health sectors. The materials are primarily organized by year. See also the Recent MCA Publications section, the Multi-Sectoral MC section and in the Updates section for Global Member Care (vol. 2): Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity.
New podcast series Staying the Course in Member Care and Mission features interviews with contributors to GMC 3: Overviewing GMC 3 (August), Prioritizing Frontier People Groups (September), Developing Member Care in Indonesia (October), Mental Health as Mission–Trauma Training and Care (November), A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching in Member Care (December), etc. into 2025
New! Strengthening Marriages
Introducing the Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross-Cultural Workers
This marital check-up inventory tool was designed for use by pastoral counselors, member care providers, or other behavioral health professionals exploring key domains that impact Christian couples serving in a cross-cultural context. The areas include Time (household, social, and leisure management), Communication, Conflict Resolution, Financial, Sexual Relationship and Intimacy, Family -of -Origin, Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Cross-Cultural Career, Spiritual Life, and Overall Marital Satisfaction. There is an additional optional set of questions for married couples with children. The inventory tool is intended to identify marital strengths, help recognize areas needing attention, or pinpoint problem areas before they exacerbate. A tool kit including instructions for use, the inventory, scoring sheet and handout on keys to a healthy marriage are available upon request. Please write to Laurie at [email protected] to request these materials offered free of charge. Laurie A. Tone Ph.D. LPC-AZLMFT, LMHC-FL
Two summary Global Integration Updates
November 2024 (Issue 101):The GI Highway–Celebrating and Indexing 101 Issues!
October 2024 (Issue 101): Being Global Integrators–Foundational Perspectives to Guide and Goad
The Lausanne 4 Congress Seoul Statement compliments other historical Lausanne documents…alongside the new State of the Great Commission report, “These two documents form a foundation for deep theological reflection and strategic action, addressing missional gaps from both a theological and strategic perspective.” (quote from the press announcement 22 September 2024)
Light Up Or Burn Out–Self-Care Strategies for Those Who Serve the Suffering (2024).
Dr. Emily Hervey
Resources from the Member Care Community
Events–Conferences–Training 2024-2025
8th Asian Member Care Network Consultation
“Ministry and Sacrifice–Sustainable Service”
Penang, Malaysia (7-11 April 2025)
—Global Member Care Consultation (video overview here)
28 October-1 November 2024. Nairobi, Kenya
—Pastoral Training in Member Care Conference
8-11 October 2024 in North Carolina, USA–Canceled due to hurricane
—NCF Counseling and Member Care Seminar
6-18 October 2024 in Eretria, Greece–Cancelled due to low numbers registering–resumed in 2025
“This seminar is for member care providers, team leaders, administrators, and counselors – anyone caring for people or personnel on field or hoping to begin or improve a structure of caring. The sessions include a broad range of stimulating topics on theological foundations of member care, counseling, personal growth, and current issues that apply to anyone in a lay counseling, training, member care, or leadership role. It provides a rich opportunity to grow personally and spiritually as well as professionally through education and training, elective workshops, networking, and confidential consultation and counseling with staff.”
—Discovery MK Camp. Organised by Miila Consulting and GIVA Global for MKs aged 13-19 (2-5 May 2024) at Camp Revive, Hosur India. Information and registration HERE.
Member Care Journal (March 2024, Issue 1 and September 2024 Issue 2)
Global Member Care Network
Multi-Sectoral Member Care
—Work Stress of Humanitarian Delegates. Raymond Saner and Lichia Saner Yiu with Nathan Eyasu and Kagan Rowland CSEND, Geneva. Applied Psychology Around the World | Volume 6, Issue 2 (July 2024)
—The Effects of Stress on International Committee of The Red Cross (ICRC) Delegates. Raymond Saner and Lichia Saner Yiu with Nathan Eyasu, and Kagan Rowland (23 April 2024). Humanitarian Encyclopedia, Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies.
—Module One: Introduction to Stress, Resilience, and Self-Care. Kelly O’Donnell and Heidi Pidkoke (2017). In Confronting Stress and Trauma: A Resource Kit for Personnel Dealing with Violent Conflicts and Natural Disasters; (pp. 25-63). University of Worcester in association with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research
–Counselling Staff (interview). UN Today (2 March 2022)
—The Well-Being Guide: Reduce Stress, Recharge, and Build Inner Resilience (2022)
“The exercises in this guide are for all humanitarian staff, volunteers and for recipients of mental health and psychosocial support services.” IFRC Psychosocial Centre
—Special Issue on Member Care—Evangelical Missions Quarterly (April-June 2022)
Featured in the Member Care Update (May 2022)
–Counselling Staff (interview). UN Today, 2 March 2022)
—The Well-Being Guide: Reduce Stress, Recharge, and Build Inner Resilience (2022).
“The exercises in this guide are for all humanitarian staff, volunteers and for recipients of mental health and psychosocial support services.” IFRC Psychosocial Centre
Member Care
–“Experiences of Missionaries Who Grew Up with a Parent Having Mental Illness”
Watch the 45 minute webinar based on the doctoral dissertation by Vicki Reyes (10 November 2021)
—Integrating Asian Christian Counselling in Missions
4th Asian Christian Counselling Virtual Conference (9-11 September 2021)
—Member Care: Core Skills. Six Session Webinar Series
Link Care Foundation (3 June–4 November 2021)
—Living Our Values: Care, Culture, and Power in Aid Organisations
(20-21 May 2021 online, free) CHS Alliance
Watch recordings of 10 Global Gathering sessions on the CHS Alliance YouTube channel HERE.
–Leading Wellbeing: How to Empower Healthy, Happy, and Productive People.
(March 2021, e-book) DiasterReady
–We are remembering with gratitude John J. Ratnukumar (JJ) who passed on 18 January 2021.
JJ is beloved by many, a member care pioneer and advocate in India and beyond. See Tributes page.
Global Mental Health
GMH: Three Strategic Events (5-12 October 2021) 7 power point slides–what’s up and why its important.
—World Mental Health Day (10 October 2021)Mental Heath in an Unequal World. World Federation for Mental Health. >Special short articles for this year’s theme.
—WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan, 2013-2030
—Addressing Mental Health in Global Contexts 21 October 2021, 19:00—20:30: Recording HERE. Fordham University–Psi Chi and the Psychology Coalition at the UN
—GMH: Collaborating for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing (April 2021). O’Donnell, K., Eaton, J., & Lewis O’Donnell, M. A revised version is in press. Congress, Takooshian, & Osborn (Eds.), Behavioral Science and in the Global Arena (Volume 2).
—Mental Health and Trauma (video, 11 brief segments). Lausanne Global Classroom (29 March 2021)
—Embrace–Multicultural Mental Health. Resources in different languages.
July–December 2020
—Persecution Pandemics: What Is Jesus Worth?
Member Care Update (December 2020)
—Genocide: Bearing Witness…”We can’t just Pontius Pilate 800,000 people.”
Global Integration Update (December 2020)
—How Leaders Lie: Exploring the Lure of Unethical Behavior
PETRA People Update (October 2020)
–Stress and Trauma in Mission: Lessons from the Humanitarian Sector (webinar)
Kelly and Michele O’Donnell; 22 August 2020; video version or powerpoint only
—Working Globally Across Sectors: Reflections and Resources for Global Mental Health
Regent University, School of Psychology and Counseling, presentation (11 July 2020)
January-June 2020
—Engaging in Humanity Care: Stress, Trauma, and Humanitarian Work
Christian Psychology Around the World (Issue 14, May 2020, pp. 153-167)
—COVID-19: Stories of Compassion & Corruption(PETRA People Update, April 2020)
—Stories from the Sectors: Desperate Journeys and More (GI Update, March 2020)
—Member Care Centers: Collaborating for Global Impact (MC Update, March 2020)
“Let’s convene regional-global conversations/consultations about MC future directions.”
—Connecting Colleagues: Greetings from Chiang Mai (MC Update, February 2020)
—Humanitarian Stress and Trauma, Payap University (7 February 2020)
—Wellbeing and Global Mental Health, Payap University and CCF (6, 7 February 2020)
—Wellbeing for Who? Global Reports from Seven Sectors (GI Update, February 2020)
—Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global Integration
Lausanne Global Analysis (January 2020). Featured in MC Update (January 2020).
Link HERE for a copy of the article with a basic translation tool into 50 languages.
—No Turning Back for the World Community…Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations. Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, APA (January 2020)
—Shaping Our Future Together: UN75 Global Conversation (GI Update, January 2020)–-Wellbeing for All: Global Mental Health–Developments and Directions
Kelly’s presentation 7 October 2020, Argentina Mental Health Association Conference
—CHOPS Stress Inventory available now in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
—Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2020: Moral Lives Matter
Moral care is part of member care. There is no health without moral health.
This special, annual day is a time to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year. More information in the above link.
September–December 2019
—Sender Care for Our Workers around the World (MC Update December 2019)
—Peace, Justice, Inclusion, and Strong Institutions (GI Update, December 2019)
—Global Integration: Staying Current and Relevant (updated December 2019)
—Helping Well: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MC Update, November 2019)
–In Geneva/UN at Geneva Peace Week (5-8 November).
–-At the WHO Mental Health Forum (14-15 October)–Video archives HERE.
–In Amsterdam at the International Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Conference (7-8 October). Video archives HERE.
—Caring for Our Mental Health (MC Update, October 2019)
—Getting Equipped: Our Presentations/Training (2009-2019)
—The Trauma Pandemic: A Global Lens for Global Action
Crisis and Trauma Course, Western Seminary, USA (June 2019)
Available now October: Watch webinar via the above link.
Full version of power point HERE.
—One Week: Five UN Summits (GI Update September 2019)
—Feedback Results: Collaborating for Global MC! (MC Update September 2019)
June-August 2019
—Progress Reports–SDGs(GI Update August 2019)
—Expanding Our Perspectives (GI Update July 2019)
—Seven New Resources (MC Update July 2019)
–Global Mental Health: What’s Up? Recent Developments and Directions(co-authored with Julian Eaton). Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, American Psychological Association (June 2019). Note: The previous link is for a short version for APA. Click HERE for the full version. Click HERE for the overview version.
—Into the Communities of Unreached Peoples (MC Update June 2019)
March-May 2019
—Being Faith-Based & Evidence-Based: Lessons and Resources (GI Update May 2019)
—Doing Member Care Well: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions
(power point, Asia MC Conference, 2 May 2019)
More resources from the conference are in our May 2019 MC Update
—Being Faith-Based & Evidence-Based: Lessons and Resources(GI Update May 2019)
—Doing Member Care Well: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions
(power point, Asia MC Conference, 2 May 2019)
More resources from the conference are in our May 2019 MC Update
—The Trauma Pandemic: A Global Lens for Global Action
and Partnering as Faith-Based People and Organizations
(presentations and handout, International Trauma Collaborative, 6 April 2019)
—The Trauma Pandemic: A Global Lens for Global Action
and Partnering as Faith-Based People and Organizations
(presentations and handout, International Trauma Collaborative, 6 April 2019)
—Keeping Up with the UN (GI Update, April 2019)
—Member Care and Unreached Peoples (MC Update April 2019)
—Transforming Our World: Mental Health Professionals/Sustainable Development Goals(presentation 21 March 2019, CAPS Conference USA) core handouts/22 pages
—Wellbeing for All: Global Mental Health and the Church-Mission Community
(webinar/video 29/11/18, Lausanne Movement, Global Mental Health/Trauma Network)
—Confronting the Trauma Pandemic(MC Update, March 2019)
—Frontline Mental Health (MC Update, December 2018)
—Humanity Care: Sustainable Development Goals & Church-Mission Community
(presentation 27 November, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
—Health for Peace: Contributions from Peace Psychology
(presentation 7 November 2018, Geneva Peace Week, United Nations)
Watch the 25 minute video (integrity and moral health for a more whole world)
—Lessons for Integrity, Action, and Healing: Professional Review of NCI et al(MC Update, October 2018)
—Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age (GI Update, September 2018)
—Multi-Sectoral Member Care (MC Update, August 2018)
—Whistleblowing: Responsible Practices for Healthy Organizations (MC Update, July 2018)
—Sojourner’s Workbook: A Guide to Thriving Cross-Culturally (2018) Connie Befus
—Toolkit for the Integration of Mental Health into General Healthcare in Humanitarian Settings (2018) International Medical Corps
—Linking Mental Health and NCD Alliance Campaign Priorities for the 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases(NCD Alliance, June 2018)
—Righteous and Relevant Leaders (MC Special News Update, June 2018)
—Resilience for Team Leaders (MC Special News Update, May 2018)
—Peace Psychology and Sustaining Peace(GI Special News Update, May 2018)
—A Summons to a Global Integrity Movement: Fighting Self-Deception and Corruption(article, Lausanne Global Analysis, March 2018)
––Handouts from Peace Psychology and Geneva Peace Week: Connecting Colleagues for Global Relevance (presentation), University of Notre Dame, 9-11 March 2018
2017 Resources
—Essential Review: Three year index of the GI Updates (Dec 2017)
—Special news from us: A new season of relevance and resilience (October 2017)
—Helping the Helpers: 50 Resources for Humanitarians(GI Update October 2017)
—Unbreakable? Recognizing Humanitarian Stress and Trauma (article, October 2017)
—Summary of our 100 MC Updates(MC Update September 2017)
—Everyday Heroes (moral lives matter, GI Update August 2017)
—Love (a command to cherish and obey, MC Update August 2017)
—Stories and Strategies(reflections on adversity-wellbeing, MC Update July 2017)
—Global Mental Health: Collaborating Across Sectors… (article June 2017)
—Doomsday: Next Stop, Global Dis-Integration? (GI Update, June 2017)
—Tributes to MC Pioneers-Developers (MC Update, April 2017)
—Global Integration and Global Integrity: Applications for Mental Health Professionals (presentation 23 March 2017, George Fox University)
–Integrity and Accountability for United Nations Staff. UN Special. Part One (March 2017) and Part Two (April 2017); pdf version HERE
—Well-Being for All: Mental Health Professionals and the Sustainable Development Goals(Journal of Psychology and Christianity, March 2017)
—Global Integrity (January 2017): 25 entries written Jan-Dec 2016, exploring perspectives and practices for integrity at individual-institutional-international levels
—Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds (3rd ed. 2017), David Pollock, Ruth Van Reken, Michael Pollock
—Receiving Them Well: A Guide on How to Support Your Loved One Returning from Humanitarian Aid or Mission Work(2017),Lisa Ennis and Lori Bryan
—Self-Care Plan for Global Workers(2017), Sarita Hartz (wholistic self care ebook oriented especially for Christians)
2016 Resources
—Help Your [Mission Worker] Thrive: Leadership Practices that Make a Difference(2016), Ken Harder and Carla Foote
—Multi-Sectoral Member Care, Journal of Psychology and Theology
(December 2016, part of special issue on Psychology and Missions)
–Peace and Security (GI Update December 2016)
–WHO Mental Health Resources (MC Update December 2016)
–Telehealth Practice (MC Update November 2016)
—Sustainable Global Mental Health Development (World Mental Health Day Event, 5 October 2016, Ecumenical Centre, Geneva)
—Doing Member Care Well: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives(member care history)(Middle East Member Care Consultation, September 2016; presentation)
—Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development (Global Mental Health, September 2016, article)
—Member Care Update: Mortality (September 2016)
—Materials in Korean: Global Member Care (May 2016)
—Loving Truth and Peace: Mental Health Professionals and Corruption in the Church-Mission Community. (CAPS conference, 11 March 2016, poster session, Kelly and Michele)
—Global Integration: Addressing the Pressing Issues in Our World as Mental Health Professionals. (Christian Psychology Around the World (March 2016, pp. 192-195, article, Kelly and Michele)
—Ten Psychological Tactics for Avoiding Accountability
(CHS Alliance, 24 February 2016, guest weblog, Kelly)
2015 Resources
—Special Issue on Member Care, Missio Dei (February 2015)
Twelve articles for new thinking, resources, and review.
—Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Mission Care(2015), David Wilson, Editor
—God’s Design for Community: Strategies for Building Better Relationships (2015), Gaylyn Williams
—Married in Mission: A Handbook for Couples in Cross-Cultural Service(2015), Alexis Kenny
—Love Across Latitudes: A Workbook on Cross-cultural Marriage (2015, sixth edition), Janet Fraser-Smith
—Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World (2015), Todd Johnson and Cindy Wu.
—Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan (2015), Laura Mae Gardner
—Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations (1 August 2015) This is the final outcome document for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, adopted by the UN General Assembly, September 2015. It includes at the core the 17 sustainable development goals and their 169 targets for social, economic, and environmental development.
—Restoring Humanity: Global Voices Calling for Action (September 2015). United Nations. Synthesis Report of the Consultation Process for the World Humanitarian Summit. See also the archives/materials from the Global Consultation in Geneva 14-16 October 2015, en route to the WHS in May 2016 in Istanbul.
—mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide: Clinical Management of Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Conditions in Humanitarian Emergencies (2015). WHO.
—Health, Healing, and Shalom: Frontiers and Challenges for Christian Health Missions(2015), edited by Bryant Myers
—Ending Extreme Poverty: A Moral and Spiritual Imperative, Statement by various religious organizations, World Bank (April 2015)
—Faith-Based Health Care, The Lancet, (7 July 2015) . “An estimated 84% of the world’s population is religiously affiliated. Faith is a powerful force in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. This Series argues that building on the extensive experience, strengths, and capacities of faith-based organisations (e.g., geographical coverage, influence, and infrastructure) offers a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes.”
—Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan(2015), by Laura Mae Gardner
—Humanitarian Effectiveness and Staff Wellbeing––webinar organized by Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP), 30 July 2015. (audio and powerpoint available online, including the opening 30 minute presentation by Dr. Alastair Ager, Columbia University
Stress Management in Peace Operations, 2015, Maren Rößler and Cord Wiesenthal. (“This study is based on interviews with German civilian experts in international peace missions by the EU, OSZE, and UN and those responsible for human resources in these organizations. The authors Maren Rößler and Cord Wiesenthal investigated which cumulative stress factors in peace missions influence the well-being and motivation of the staff involved and how the stress they experience can be managed by the institutions. The results show that internal factors connected to the mission cause the most stress, but that advice offered by the institutions is primarily focused on the external circumstances relevant to safety concerns.”)
—Global Mental Health: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors (presentation, Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Heath, William James College, USA; June 2015)
—Global Mental Health: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors, Psychology International, June 2015 (Kelly and Michele O’Donnell
—The Missional Heart of Member Care, International Bulletin of Mission Research, April 2015.(Kelly O’Donnell)
—Global Integration Webinars (the three topics: crossing sectors, mental health in —-low resource countries, and trauma; 2015)
2014 Resources
––Leading Multicultural Teams (2014), Evelyn and Richard Hibbert.
—Setting Sail! The Family Workbook (2014), Emily Hervey
—201 Great Discussion Questions for Couples in a Long Distance Relationship (2014), Lisa McKay and Michael Wolfe
—White Paper on Peacebuilding: Perspectives about the Challenges, Opportunities, and Future of Peacebuilding Practice (2014). Geneva Peacebuilding Platform.
—World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior (World Bank, Dec 2014). “Development policies based on new insights into how people actually think and make decisions will help governments and civil society achieve development goals more effectively…”
—Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative (WHO report, September 2014)
–See also the 5 minute video on suicide) –Living with a Black Dog (animated, creative video to support those who help others with depression; a companion video to I Had a Black Dog). Suicide and depression resources (links on WHO website)
—Mental Health Innovation Network (new website, launched 2014)
—Journal of Psychology and Christianity. Special issue on Psychology in the Global Context (Summer 2014)
—Thriving in Difficult Places: Member Care for Yourself and Others (2014, three volumes) by Brenda Bosch
–Transcultural Psychiatry (Dec. 2014)–Special journal issue on GMH; free access to the opening editorial, 12 pages with reflections on contributions from GMH and concerns about GMH
—UN Secretary General’s Synthesis Report on the Post 2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development (4 December, 2014–a crucial document for understanding where the world is heading with a view towards how we might connect/contribute); see the website also: UN Sustainable Development–Knowledge Platform [Update August 2015: See the final version of the UN sustainable development agenda on the UN site, Transforming Our World, released 1 August 2015.]
Previous Resources (2009-2013)
—Charting Your Course through the Sectors (O’Donnell chapter, 2013)
—The State of HR [Human Resources] in International Humanitarian and Development Organisations 2013, People In Aid
—Inter-Agency Guide to the Evaluation of Psychosocial Programmes in Humanitarian Crises (UNICEF et al., 2012)
—Examples of important UN resources 2012 (CONGO).
—Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (WHO et al, 2012, eight page summary
—Interview with Michele and Kelly O’Donnell (Christian Manager, April-May 2012). Includes perspectives on issues/trends in member care and mission as well as reflections of the recent MUT member care consultation in India.
—Global Mental Health-Map: New website by MCA. for understanding global mental health and getting oriented to this domain and its many resources (2011).
–McKay, L. (2011). Building resilient managers in humanitarian organizations: Strengthening key organizational structures and personal skills that promote resilience in challenging environments. London: People In Aid.
—Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery, A Companion Guide for Field and Clinical Care of Traumatized People Worldwide (Richard Mollica, 2010)
–McKay, L. (2009). Family matters: Self-care for family members of humanitarian workers. Pasadena, CA: Headington Institute. (online training module)
–International Council of Nurses. (2007). Occupational health and safety management programme for nurses. Geneva: Author.[“Nurses are the principal group of health care personnel providing primary health care at all levels and maintaining links between individuals, families, communities and the rest of the health care system. Working with other members of the health care team and other sectors or on their own, nurses explore new and better ways of keeping well, or improving health and preventing disease and disability. Nurses improve equity and access to health care and add quality to outcome of care.” page 7]
—Eight Tools for Member Care Practice (O’Donnells)