Member care focuses on the wellbeing and effectiveness of staff, teams, and their organizations.

Member care is the ongoing investment of resources by sending groups, service organizations, friends, colleagues, and workers themselves, for nurture, development, and strategic impact.

Member Care

Resources for supporting staff and their organizations in mission and across sectors–humanitarian, development, peace/security, etc


Global Integration

A framework for actively and responsibly engaging in our world–collaborating to address major issues that impact wellbeing for all people and the planet


Global Mental Health

A growing domain of study, research, and practice, promoting equitable, quality mental health and wellbeing for all persons and peoples


Global Integrity

Resources for living consistently in moral wholeness–at the individual, institutional, international levels–and for preventing and confronting corruption

(See All Archives HERE)

Featured Resources2023-2024
Updated July 2024

Gmc 3 Postcard Promo Front 25 June 2024

More information and updates are on the book series website: Global MCA

Gmc 3 Postcard Back 12 March 2024

NewLight Up Or Burn Out–Self-Care Strategies for Those Who Serve the Suffering (2024). Emily Hervey
NewState of the Great Commission Report–online launch event and report 23 April 2024–Lausanne Movement
New–Member Care Journal (March 2024, Issue 1) Global Member Care Network

New–Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross Cultural Workers. Marriage in a cross-cultural context has unique challenges and couples often seek counseling for member care services to address concerns. To that end, Dr. Laurie A. Tone has developed a Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross Cultural Workers and is currently gathering data to test the validity and reliability of this tool for its use in member care initiatives. The tool is designed to help cross-cultural workers assess their marriage in ten different domains which may be impacted or exacerbated by cross-cultural service. Once testing is complete, the tool will be provided free of charge to member care providers for use in their respective fields of service. If you are a married couple currently serving in cross-cultural Christian ministry and are interested in helping this research endeavor please write to Laurie  for a time-limited link to the survey (other participatory restrictions apply). The survey will be available February 15th until March 15th, 2024.

1. Member Care Resources from MCA
Member Care Updates (monthly):

New! Reflections on Living in Peace–Loving Truth, Peace, and People (July 2024)
–Reflections on Living in Truth–Loving Truth, Peace, and People (June 2024)
–Commending Our Colleagues (May 2024)
–One Billion+ Strong–Persons with Disabilities (April 2024)
–Growing in Grace and Good Works (March 2024)
–How are You Doing? Tools for Wellbeing and Growth (February 2024)
–Stories to Enlighten the New Year (January 2024)
–Human Rights and Good Practice (December 2023)
–Staff Care and Development (November 2023)
–Mercy Care (October 2023)
–Nurturing Our Spiritual Vitality (September 2023)
–Fighting Child Sex Trafficking–God’s Children Are Not for Sale (August 2023)

CORE Member Care Weblog:
Current topic: Unreached People Groups and Sustainable Development Goals (UPGs-SDGs)
2. Resources from the Member Care Community
Events–Conferences–Training 2023-2024
Discovery MK Camp. Organised by Miila Consulting and GIVA Global for MKs aged 13-19 (2-5 May 2024) at Camp Revive, Hosur India. Information and registration HERE.

Global Member Care Consultation (video overview here)
28 October-1 November 2024. Nairobi, Kenya

NCF Counseling and Member Care Seminar
6-18 October 2024 in Eretria, Greece
“This seminar is for member care providers, team leaders, administrators, and counselors  – anyone caring for people or personnel on field or hoping to begin or improve a structure of caring.  The sessions include a broad range of stimulating topics on theological foundations of member care, counseling, personal growth, and current issues that apply to anyone in a lay counseling, training, member care, or leadership role. It provides a rich opportunity to grow personally and spiritually as well as professionally through education and training, elective workshops, networking, and confidential consultation and counseling with staff.”
7th Asia Member Care Network Conference–Theme:  Stories, Strategies & Struggles:  Asia’s Perspective on MC After the Pandemic–16-20 April 2023, Cititel Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Pre-Conference Spiritual Retreat–Theme: Return to Your Rest My Soul (Ps 116:7)–13-16 April 2023
–Preparing and Caring for Beautiful FeetLearning together how to care for today’s global workers on their journey. Main speakers are Connie Befus and Lauren Wells. 5-6 May 2023 Portland, Oregon USA
Pastors to Missions Conference
3-6 October 2023. North Carolina USA
International TCK Conference
19-23 October 2023. Suan Bua Resort, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Mental Health And Missions Conference
16-19 November 2023. Texas USA

Special Issue on Member CareEvangelical Missions Quarterly (April-June 2022)
Featured in the Member Care Update (May 2022)
3. Multi-Sectoral Member Care
The Effects of Stress on International Committee of The Red Cross (ICRC) Delegates. Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner Yiu with Nathan Eyasu, and Kagan Rowland (23 April 2024). Humanitarian Encyclopedia, Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies. See also Module One: Introduction to Stress, Resilience, and Self-Care. Kelly O’Donnell and Heidi  Pidkoke (2017). In Confronting Stress and Trauma: A Resource Kit for Personnel Dealing with Violent Conflicts and Natural Disasters; (pp. 25-63). University of Worcester in association with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research

–Counselling Staff (interview). UN Today (2 March 2022)
The Well-Being Guide: Reduce Stress, Recharge, and Build Inner Resilience (2022)
“The exercises in this guide are for all humanitarian staff, volunteers and for recipients of mental health and psychosocial support services.” IFRC Psychosocial Centre              

Key Resources

2. Global Integration
Global Integration Overview
 Global Integration Updates
New! Reflections on Living in Peace–Being the People Our World Needs (July 2024)
–Reflections on Living in Truth–Being the People Our World Needs (June 2024)
–Collaborating for SDG 4–Education for All (May 2024)
–Inequality, Inc.–Exploring the Poverty-Prosperity Divides (April 2024)
–The UN Summit of the Future (March 2024)
–Conversations on Creation Care (February 2024)
–Rethinking Missionaries and Development (Jan 2024)
–Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Dec 2023)
–Multidimensional Poverty (November 2023)
–Are You a “Non”? Respecting Colleagues and Balancing Influence (Oct 2023)
–Peace and Security–Staying Alive in Our World (Sept 2023)
–Evil, Inc.–Trafficking Children for Sex (August 2023)

3. Global Mental Health
See MCA GMH-Map website
–Grant Rich and Kelly O’Donnell (2023). Global Mental Health. In Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. Ed. Dana S. Dunn. New York: Oxford University Press. The pre-copyedited version of this article is on the GMH-Map website.
O’Donnell, K., Lewis O’Donnell, M., Eaton, J., & Valle-Trabadelo, C. (February, 2023). Presentations on GMH/global psychology. International Psychology Bulletin 27(1). APA Div 52. 
–GMH Overview & Directions, Kelly O’Donnell, 18 Oct 2022, Fordham  University and Psychology Coalition at the UN (powerpoint HERE; video HERE) Longer powerpoint at Regent University 11 Nov 2022 HERE
WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan, 2013-2030
WHO World Mental Health Report (2022)
GMH: Collaborating for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing. O’Donnell, K., Eaton, J., & Lewis O’Donnell, M. In Behavioral Science in the Global Arena (2022).

4. Global Integrity
See special section on this site
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2024. Fighting Corruption with Solidarity, Skills, and Integrity
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2023. Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption–Sharing Our Stories and Strategies
A Psychologist’s Journey into Global Integrity. The first of five interviews for the Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Movement Conference, “Integrity and Anti-Corruuptin on the Frontlines” (30 April 2022) See also the written summary of Reflections and Resources for the Interview Kelly O’Donnell
–Living in Global Integrity:  Moral Wholeness for a More Whole World–in Essays on Holistic Biblical Ministries (2022)–Volume 22 of WEA World of Theology. Additional Multi-Sectoral Resources. Kelly and Michele O’Donnell

More Resources

  • Multi-Sectoral MC
    Member Care in the Multi-Sectoral Context Examples to Support Your Work in Member Care and Mission What is Multi-Sectoral Member Care (MS-MC)? –MS-MC involves mutual learning-support-resources from connecting and contributing across sectors (e.g. humanitarian sector, health sector, development sector, etc.). How do other sectors promote the wellbeing and effectiveness of…

    Continue reading → Multi-Sectoral MC

  • Peace-Security-Justice MCA Materials
    “Promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.” SDG 16 —UN Summit of the Future–Reviewing the Upcoming Summit and the PactGlobal Integration Update, March 2024 —Peace and Security–Staying Alive in Our World Global Integration Update, September 2023 —Resisting Despair and Disillusion: Will it Get Worse before it Gets Worse?Global Integration Update, January 2023…

    Continue reading → Peace-Security-Justice MCA Materials

  • COVID Care Resources
    Covid Care: Promoting and maintaining mental health, resilience, and wellbeing for all persons and peoples (ranging from informal to formal services, guidance, and policies, local through global) during the multi-faceted challenges of COVID-19 and beyond.
  • GMH Training: Publications
    Ten GMH overview articles over the past 10 years. The latest, April 2021: GMH–Collaborating for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing. O’Donnell, Eaton, Lewis O’Donnell.
  • GMH Training: Presentations
    See also the MCA Learning Platform–Presentations Global Mental Health: Working Across Sectors for People and Planet WellbeingRegent University, School of Psychology and Counseling,  GMH doctoral course (2 March 2024) Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Upcoming Global Events and Organizations Virtual Café—Integrity: Basic Christian Identity Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network(9 December 2023) Cross-Cultural Transitions: Self-Care and Family StrengthsPartners in Diplomacy, Global…

    Continue reading → GMH Training: Presentations

  • MCA Books
    Since the 1980’s, the O’Donnells have contributed a steady stream of materials including publications and presentations to support mission and member care globally. A priority has been to make as many of them as possible available for easy downloading and listening as well as translations. Below are examples of their…

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  • Presentations–Kelly/Michele
    Having fun with friends in France (June 2007) on the 40th anniversary of the Monterey Pop Festival. “All we are saying… is give peace, probity, and good practice a chance… and prioritize the good news ad majorem Dei gloriam!” MCA Learning Platform Examples of Presentations 2009-2021 Kelly O’Donnell, PsyD and…

    Continue reading → Presentations–Kelly/Michele

  • GMH Map
    2011–current (2024) Our Global Mental Health-Map site (GMH-Map) lists key resources for Global Mental Health (GMH) in order to better understand and navigate the GMH domain and find relevant ways for connecting and contributing. It is also very pertinent for member care and for the largely undeveloped area of “mental…

    Continue reading → GMH Map

  • Living Integrity–Confronting Corruption
    Global Integrity Day is a positive day to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year. It is also a strategic day…Read more on the website.