Re-Member Care
(Hebrews 12:1)

Commemorating the Great Cloud of Member Care Witnesses

This section includes links to information (tributes/short histories) about some of the colleagues who have helped to pioneer and develop member care. Although they are no longer with us on the earth, their voices and examples still speak clearly to us today. We miss them, yet know they are in the best of hands: to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!

–See also: Re-Member Care: Tributes to MC Pioneers-Developers
(MC Update, April 2017).
–See also the tributes for several mission leaders and mission workers on the Missio Nexus web blog: 2016 and 2018.

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26 NIV

Clyde Austin
Click HERE to read tributes.
clyde aqustin**********
Larry Dodds
(died 2008)
Click HERE to read about his life.

Photo of Larry and Lois Dodds. Larry died June 9, 2008.

Kath Donovan
HERE to read tribute.

kath donovan foto

James Feiker

Click HERE to read trribute.

Bob and Eddie Fields
Bob (1935 -2011) and Eddie (1934-2018)
Click HERE for short overview–reflections from Bob and Eddie (2003)
Click HERE for short overview and HERE for a longer tribute (Eddie)
Bob and Eddie Fields
Richard Gardner
Click HERE to read tribute.

Joyce Huggett
Click HERE for tribute.
Gordon Jones
Click HERE and HERE to read tributes
and HERE for a bio from a book chapter that he co-authored with his wife Rosemary.

Stanley Lindquist
Click HERE to read tributes.stan lindquist

Clyde Narramore
Click HERE to read tributes.

Ron Noll
Click HERE and HERE to read tributes.
Ron Noll face crop
David Pollock
Click HERE (by Ruth van Reken), HERE (by Interaction),
and HERE (see page 8-9 by Kelly) to read tributes.pollock

Elsie Purnell

(1934-2005 )
Click HERE and HERE to read tributes.
Elsie Purnell foto

John J. Ratnakumar
Video of funeral service (23 January 2021).
Video tribute in Tamil (16 minutes).
Click HERE to read the tribute from the MUT Newsletter.
JJ Ratnakumar picture
Lianne Roembke
Click HERE to read tributes.

Screenshot (1367)

David Tan
(19_ _-2024)
Bio  information about David Tan HERE and HERE

David Tan
David Tan, DMin served for over 30 years in pastoral ministry and has lived and worked in three continents. For the past 20 years, he has provided member care for Asian workers on the field. In 2008, he co-founded and helped launch the Asian Member Care Network Conference. His passion is to encourage mission colleagues and provide soul care within the member care movement. David is also trained in spiritual direction and supervision of spiritual directors.”
From Global Member Care Volume 3–Part 2 Introduction

Ken Williams
Click HERE to read tributes.


Please contact us if there is another person or tributes to also include.
[email protected]

For more information and perspectives on member care history, see The Missional Heart of Member Care (IBMR, April 2015) and the plenary power point presentation at the Middle East Member Care Consultation on “Doing Member Care Well: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives” (September 2016).