The materials in this section are organized into two broad categories:
Tools and Training.

1. Tools
• Creative Tools for Healing
Have a look at some of the tools we like to use for mental health and member care, described/linked on the October 2014 MCA Resource Update.

• Growing As Good Practitioners: Resources to Support Mission/Aid Workers This is a set of nine tools to help member care workers who provide services in the mission/aid sector. Feel free to adjust the tools for your own use, referencing the original source. See attachment below.

• Crisis and Contingency Management. Four pages from some of our teaching handouts, including a grid to overview crisis response, principles for helpers/counselors, and a few crisis scenarios for group discussion.

Authentic Happiness
Several self-assessment and personal growth tools are available for free on-line at:

Headington Institute
Offers three self-assessment tools on self care, stress, and burnout.

CHOPS Inventory
(seven languages, explores struggles, successes and strategies of adjustment for cross-cultural workers) See the version and research by Dr. Laurie Tone as well as the December 2012 version with additional items relevant for colleagues from the A4 Regions (Asia ,Africa, Arabic-Turkic, America-Latina):

Managing Stress in the Field
A booklet with a helpful assessment tool on stress for humanitarian aid workers and others working cross-culturally.
Developed by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

General Health Questionnaire
One of the main assessment tools to get a quick overview of health and areas of concern.
The link is to the short version of the questionnaire (12 items).

•Three Tools for Team Development
These are three of the main tools that we like to use for assessing team health and for strengthening teams: Team Feedback Form, Sentence Completion,and Relationship Verses (Gordon and Rosemary Jones). Use them and adapt them as part of regularly planned team-building times.
Three Tools for Team Development–ODonnell

2. Training
Use these materials as part of a self-study program for yourself or as a group.
Many more online courses, webinars, and podcasts for member care still need to be developed. See also the MCA Resource Update from April 2014, “Training Opportunities.”

The Evangelical Training Directory lists many training programmes and courses. Many related to member care can be found by going to the link below and selecting “Mission and Evangelism” and under that, “Missionary Team Care and Skills”. If any training provider is not listed, they can register. (

Headington Institute
Currently offers eight self-study modules online.
Topics include the areas of stress management, trauma care, supporting national staff, families, and re-entry.

Columbia International University
Offers doctoral and masters level training and a Professional Certificate program in member care. For more information contact: Dr. Roni Pruitt [email protected]

Other Courses in Member Care
**Heartstream Resources: Foundations and Implementing Member Care; twice a year for two weeks in Pennsylvania, USA

**Operation Mobilization: Face to Face course on leadership/personal growth, in different locations; [email protected]

**Link Care: Building Skills for Member Care Excellence, training in California in January, one week

**Narramore Foundation: Counseling and Member Care Seminar, in Thailand and Turkey, two weeks

Member Care Course Syllabus
This is an updated course syllabus that overviews 10 areas of member care.
The course was taught initially at Fuller School of Psychology USA in the 1990s by Kelly O’Donnell. Available at the Member Caravan web site (training section).
Note: The most recent update is in 2015 with an emphasis on global member care and multi-sectoral member care in the context of global integration:

Member Care—Core Consultation
This material is based on a week-long consultation/seminar covering four essential topics in member care (updated in 2007 and still very relevant). Available at the Member Caravan web site (training section).
•Introduction: Syllabus for Member Care Consultation/Workshop
•1. Member Care Overview
•2. Staying Healthy
•3. Team Development
•4. Crisis/Contingency Management

God in the Global Office (2009). Power point with notes under the slides, transcript, and audio (note you have to advance the slides manually/separately as you listen to the audio)

God in the Global Office: Practicing Psychology in Mission/Aid (24 February 2009) Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University, USA. Handouts ok

The Peals and Perils: Practicing Psychology in Mission/Aid (19-20 February 2009) Symposium on the Integration of Psychology and Theology, Fuller School of Psychology, USA
Overview of the Three Lectures
Staying Healthy in Difficult Places: MC in Mission/Aid Settings
Promoting Health and Managing Dysfunction in Mission/Aid Settings
Ethics and Human Rights in MC: Developing Guidelines for Good Practice
Audios for the Symposium: Introduction, Lectures, and Responses

Three Articles Related to Training
Located on the Member Caravan web site in the training section.
•1, Training and Using Member Care Workers. Richard and Laura Mae Gardner, Missionary Care (1992) pp. 315-331.
•2. What Mission CEOs Want from Mental Health Professionals. Paul McKaughan, Enhancing Missionary Vitality (2002) pp. 201-206.
•3. Research in Mental Health and Missions. William Hunter, Enhancing Missionary Vitality (2002). pp. 475-484.

Internationally Mobile Families and Transitions
see Families in Global Transition: