100+ books for a MC Library
The main article was updated 2016.
More materials are added periodically in the list below (2016-2024 and current).
Here is the original Introduction.
100+ Books for Member Care
Kelly O’Donnell
Member care continues to grow as a field and as a global movement. One indication of this growth is the steady stream of materials that have been developed to promote wellbeing/effectiveness for member care workers and their organisations. This updated compilation of 100-plus materials, primarily books in English, includes many selections that can be part of a core member care library. I have organized the materials into 10 categories. The categories often overlap and many of the materials could actually fit in more than one category.
I primarily emphasise materials written for the mission and humanitarian sectors. The list ranges from “classic through current” materials, and it certainly is not complete. Some of the materials are out of print while others are available online for free (internet links noted where relevant). Please contact me with any additions, links, or corrections in order to help keep this list updated and accurate ([email protected]). Other relevant materials from human resources, health, mental health, development, business, leadership/management, and personal growth areas are also highly relevant, of course—and almost limitless!
10 MC Areas
*Pastoral and Spiritual Growth
*Physical and Medical Care
*Career Issues and Reentry
*Team Building, Interpersonal Relationships, and Partnerships
*Families, Couples, TCKs, and Singles
*Finances, Accountability, Ethics, and Organizations
*Stress, Trauma, Crises, and Contingency Management
*Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting
*Member Care Compilations and Overviews
*Resources from the Humanitarian, Development, and Health Sectors
Updates for “100+ Books for a MC Library” (30+ books 2015-2024 and current )
Please share additional books and materials with us! [email protected]
1. General Member Care
—Global Member Care Volume 3–Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (2024). Kelly and Michele O’Donnell (Editors). Book series website HERE.
—Relentless–We Press On (2024) edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick (stories of mission workers with Team Expansion)
—Bags Packed, Hearts Ready–Stories of God’s Faithfulness in Cross-Cultural Ministry (2024) Sue Eenigenburg
—When Serving Gets Tough–A Thirty-Day Devotional for Missionaries (2024) Carol Ghattas
—Light Up Or Burn Out–Self-Care Strategies for Those Who Serve the Suffering (2024). Emily Hervey
—Member Care Journal March 2024 Issue 1 (new journal published twice a year) Global Member Care Network
–Special member care issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis (March 2024). Four articles on self care, burnout (2 articles), and shame.
—We’ll Never Let Go of The Rope! A Member Care Training Course Manual for Churches and Agencies in Newer Sending Countries (2024). Traugott Boeker and Hanni Boeker. (Developed for course participants–contact: [email protected])
–Special issue on trauma and member care in AFRIGO (Volume 8 Number 3, 2023). Six short articles.
—Psychological Support for Workers on the Move: Improving Global Staff Care (2023). Edited by Kate Thompson
—Essentials for People Care and Development: A Collection of Best Practices, Research, Reflections, and Strategies (2023). Edited by Geoff Whiteman and Heather Pubols
—A Christian’s Mental Health Guide: For Missionaries, Pastors, and Others Too (2023) Don Mingo
—Grit to Stay Grace to Go–Staying Well in Cross-Cultural Ministry (2023) Sue Eenigenburg and Eva Burkholder
—Facing Fear: The Journey to Mature Courage in Risk and Persecution (2023) Anna Hampton
—Special Issue on Member Care (April-June 2022) Evangelical Missions Quarterly
—Rerouted: Caring for Missionaries When Unexpected Trials Bring Them Home (2022) Candice Schroeder
—Holding the Rope: How the Local Church Can Care for Its Sent Ones (2022) Ryan Martin
—Equipped and Effective: Practical Ideas and Tools for Coming Alongside Cross-Cultural Workers (2021) Lois M. McMartin
—Journey with Me: Spiritual Formation for Global Workers (2021) Herbert Lamp
—Effective Kingdom Service in Hostile Places: Advanced Training and Support for International Workers and the Organizations that Send Them (three volumes 2020) Hamilton Burke
—Light Up or Burn Out–Practicing Self Care on the Field (2020) Emily Hervey
—Missionaries, Mental Health, and Accountability–Support Systems in Churches and Agencies (2019) edited by Jonathan Bonk, Nelson Jennings, Jinbong Kim, and Jae Hoon Lee
—The COACH Model for Christian Leaders (revised and expanded 2019). Keith Webb
—Sojourner’s Workbook: A Guide to Thriving Cross-Culturally (2018) Connie Befus
—Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds (3rd ed. 2017), David Pollock, Ruth Van Reken, Michael Pollock
—Receiving Them Well: A Guide on How to Support Your Loved One Returning from Humanitarian Aid or Mission Work (2017), Lisa Ennis and Lori Bryan
—Self-Care Plan for Global Workers (2017), Sarita Hartz—Help Your [Mission Worker] Thrive: Leadership Practices that Make a Difference (2016), Ken Harder and Carla Foote
–Special Issue on Missions and Mental Health (Winter 2016) Journal of Psychology and Theology
—Special Issue on Member Care, Missio Dei (February 2015) Twelve articles for new thinking, resources, and review.
—Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Mission Care (2015), David Wilson, Editor
—Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan (2015), Laura Mae Gardner
—Thriving in Difficult Places: Member Care for Yourself and Others (2014, three volumes), Brenda Bosch
2. Relationship Resources
—Sacred Siblings: Valuing One Another for the Great Commission (2019) Sue Eenigenburg and Suzy Grumelot
—For the Joy: 21 Missionary Mother Stories of Real Life and Faith (2019) edited by Miriam Chan and Sophia Russell
—God’s Design for Community: Strategies for Building Better Relationships (2015), Gaylyn Williams
—Married in Mission: A Handbook for Couples in Cross-Cultural Service (2015), Alexis Kenny
—Love Across Latitudes: A Workbook on Cross-cultural Marriage (2015, sixth edition), Janet Fraser-Smith
—Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World (2015), Todd Johnson and Cindy Wu
—Leading Multicultural Teams (2014), Evelyn and Richard Hibbert
—Setting Sail! The Family Workbook (2014), Emily Hervey
—201 Great Discussion Questions for Couples in a Long Distance Relationships (2014), Lisa McKay and Michael Wolfe
—Reconcilable Differences: Strategies for Your Journey Through Conflict (2015), Gaylyn Williams. https://relationshipresources.org/shop/
—Leading Multicultural Teams (2014), Evelyn and Richard Hibbert.
—Married in Mission: A Handbook for Couples in Cross-Cultural Service (2015), Alexis Kenny. http://alexisckenny.wix.com/marriedinmission
—Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World (2015), Todd Johnson and Cindy Wu. http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/our-global-families/349570
–The Missionary Family: Witness, Concerns, Care (2014) edited by Dwight P. Baker and Robert J. Priest (William Carey Library) https://missionbooks.org/products/detail/the-missionary-family-ems-22
3. Additional Sources for Materials:
*Doctoral dissertations and masters theses
*Member care database indexed at Mental Health Resources for Cross-Cultural Workers www.crossculturalworkers.com
*E-books/materials from Missionary Care (http://www.missionarycare.com/ebook.htm)
*Media materials available at Member Care Media (http://membercareradio.com)
*Resources from People in Aid–PIA (http://www.peopleinaid.org/resources)
(Note–PIA operated for 20 years (1995-2015) and merged with HAP International in 2015 to form the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance (CHS Alliance)–see their list of resources related to staff wellbeing in the humanitarian sector HERE including the CHS’s nine Principles (Principle 8 related to member care)
*Headington Institute (e.g., training modules; http://www.headington-institute.org/overview)
*Materials on Brigada (search “member care” and “books”, http://www.brigada.org/)
*Member care-related books for sale:
–William Carey Publishing
–Mission Training International
–Families in Global Transition–FIGT (http://figt.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1114038)
(June 2023–75+ books from FIGT members HERE)
–Society for Human Resource Management
Intercultural Press (http://nicholasbrealey.com/boston/subjects/interculturalpress.html)
More member care-related materials from MCA:
*Bibliography of articles from the 1960s-1987 in Helping Missionaries Grow (1988, Appendix) https://sites.google.com/site/membercaravan/test/helping-ms-grow-book
*Partial listing of materials in other languages https://membercareassociates.org/?page_id=43
*MC: 50 Years-50 Quotes (1964-2013) https://sites.google.com/site/membercaravan/mem
*Materials at Global MCA from different sectors and relevant for member care and mission (see “Vol 2 Resources” and “Vol 2 Updates”) https://sites.google.com/site/globalmca/
The inclusion of these materials as well as the opinions and recommendations expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect their endorsement. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the materials lies with the reader.