Dr. Kelly O’Donnell and Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell
Consulting Psychologists, Member Care Associates, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.membercareassociates.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/globalintegrators
MCA Resources
Member Care Updates
Global Integration Updates
CORE Member Care (weblog)
Global Member Care (book series)
Global Mental Health-Map (website)
See also the list–links for 50+ articles in journals and magazines HERE.
New Book!
Global Member Care Volume Three: Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course
“Supporting Mission Among All Peoples” (2024). Edited by Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (20 chapters with 43 authors and nine consulting editors). We also did the Introduction and chapters 2 (global integration), 5 (human rights), and 12 (integrity) applied to mission and member care (see below).
–O’Donnell, K. & Lewis O’Donnell, M. Going and growing together among all peoples (Introduction). In Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (2024). Global member care (vol. 3): Stories and strategies for staying the course (pp. xxiii-xxvi). https://sites.google.com/site/globalmca/
–O’Donnell, K. & Lewis O’Donnell, M. Following and serving Jesus globally: A framework for engaging with our world (chapter 2). In Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (2024). Global member care (vol. 3): Stories and strategies for staying the course (pp. 25-40). https://sites.google.com/site/globalmca/
–O’Donnell, K. & Lewis O’Donnell, M. For all people and all peoples: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (chapter 5). In Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (2024). Global member care (vol. 3): Stories and strategies for staying the course (pp.73-82). https://sites.google.com/site/globalmca/
–O’Donnell, K. & Lewis O’Donnell, M. Being a prophetic voice in mission: Living in integrity and confronting corruption in mission (chapter 12). In Kelly O’Donnell and Michèlle Lewis O’Donnell (2024). Global member care (vol. 3): Stories and strategies for staying the course (pp.193-207). https://sites.google.com/site/globalmca/
Recent Articles
Examples from 2015-current
O’Donnell, K. (2023). Wrong way! A reality check on being a “non.” Global Integration Update (October 2023).
Grant Rich and Kelly O’Donnell (2023). Global Mental Health. In Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. Ed. Dana S. Dunn. New York: Oxford University Press. Note–The pre-copyedited version of this article is on the GMH-Map website. (to be update periodically)
O’Donnell, K., Lewis O’Donnell, M., Eaton, J., & Valle-Trabadelo, C. (February, 2023). Supporting our graduate training programs–Collaborating with our international colleagues: Special presentations on global mental health/global psychology (GMH-Psyc). International Psychology Bulletin 27(1). APA Division 52, International Psychology.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Key Resources to Support Lausanne Networks
and the Global Church-Mission Community (July 2022). Global Integrity Network (GIN) of the Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Alliance. See the shorter version without descriptions HERE.
Living in Global Integrity: Moral Wholeness for a More Whole World–chapter in Essays on Holistic Biblical Ministries, Volume 22 of the WEA World of Theology Series (2022). See the additional Multi-Sectoral Resources that have been compiled to accompany this chapter.
Global Mental Health: Collaborating for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing (April 2021–longer version of chapter 1). In E. Congress, S. Meister, D. Osborn & H. Takooshian. (Eds.). (2022). Behavioral Science in the Global Arena): Global Mental, Spiritual, and Social Health (pp 3-21). Information Age Publishing.
Ten Resources for Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Moral Resilience and Relevance for the Church Mission Community (November 2020). Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network.
Engaging in Humanity Care: Stress, Trauma, and Humanitarian Work
Christian Psychology Around the World–Special Focus: Coping with Stress in Theory and Practice (Issue 14, May 2020, pp. 153-167)
No Turning Back for the World Community…Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations.
Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, American Psychological Association (January 2020)
Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global Integration
Lausanne Global Analysis (January 2020–English, Spanish, Portuguese, French)
Link HERE for a copy of the article with a basic translation tool into 50 languages.
Global Mental Health: What’s Up? Recent Developments and Directions
Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, American Psychological Association (June 2019). Click HEREfor the full version. Click HERE for the overview version.
Linking Mental Health and the NCD Alliance Campaign Priorities: The 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting on NCDs
NCD Alliance (July 2018)
A Summons to a Global Integrity Movement: Fighting Self-Deception and Corruption
Lausanne Global Analysis (March 2018) Link to a copy with a translation tool for 50 languages HERE.
Unbreakable? Recognizing Humanitarian Stress and Trauma
Global Geneva (October-November 2017)
O’Donnell, K., and Pidkoke, H. (2017). Module One: Introduction to stress, resilience, and self-care. In Farrell, D., with Blenkinsop, C., Carriere, R., Croci, C., O’Donnell, K., and Pidcoke, H. Confronting stress and trauma: A resource kit for personnel dealing with violent conflicts and natural disasters; (pp. 25-63). University of Worcester in association with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
Global Mental Health: Collaborating Across Sectors for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing
Medicus Mundi Switzerland, Bulletin (June 2017)
Integrity and Accountability for United Nations Staff: Part Two—Staying the Course
UN Special (April 2017); pdf version for parts 1 and 2 HERE
Integrity and Accountability for United Nations Staff: Part One–Navigating the Terrain
UN Special (March 2017); pdf version for parts 1 and 2 HERE
Well-Being for All: Mental Health Professionals and the Sustainable Development Goals
Journal of Psychology and Christianity (March 2017)
Multi-Sectoral Member Care: Engaging Our World as Global Integrators
Journal of Psychology and Theology (December 2016)
Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Global Mental Health (September 2016)
Global Integration: Addressing the Pressing Issues Facing Our World—Overview and Opportunities for Mental Health Professionals
Christian Psychology Around the World (March 2016)
Global Integrity: Moral Wholeness for a Whole World (25 weblog entries)
CORE Member Care: Reflections, Research, and Resources for Good Practice (2016)
Global Integrators (25 weblog entries)
CORE Member Care: Reflections, Research, and Resources for Good Practice (2015)
Global Mental Health: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors
Psychology International (June 2015)
The Missional Heart of Member Care
International Bulletin of Mission Research (April 2015)
More Articles
Loving Truth and Peace: A Case Study of Family Resilience in Dealing with Mission/Aid Corruption
Family Accountability in Missions (2013)
Ethics in Member Care: Towards an International Framework
Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists, Pastors (2013)
Charting Your Course Through the Sectors
Global Member Care (Volume Two ): Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013)
Global Mental Health: A Resource Primer for Exploring the Domain
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation (July 2012)
Interview with Michele and Kelly O’Donnell
Christian Manager (April-May 2012). Includes perspectives on issues/trends in member care and mission as well as reflections of the recent MUT member care consultation in India.
Wise Doves and Innocent Serpents? Promoting Health and Confronting Dysfunction in the Mission Community
Member Care in India: Ministry Call to Home Call (2012)
12 translations of an earlier (and similar) version are on the Reality DOSE! website
Going Global: A Member Care Model for Best Practice
Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and Practices from Around the World (2002)