See also the MCA Learning Platform–Presentations
Global Mental Health: Working Across Sectors for People and Planet Wellbeing
Regent University, School of Psychology and Counseling, GMH doctoral course (2 March 2024)
Integrity and Anti-Corruption: Upcoming Global Events and Organizations
Virtual Café—Integrity: Basic Christian Identity Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network
(9 December 2023)
Cross-Cultural Transitions: Self-Care and Family Strengths
Partners in Diplomacy, Global Leadership Geneva (23 November 2023)
Spirituality for Mental Health and Wellbeing, World Federation for Mental Health 75, Ecumenical Centre, Geneva, (17 November 2023)
Global Mental Health: Core Resources for Connecting and Contributing (and three frameworks for engaging in our world) Global Mental Health, School of Psychology and Counseling, Regent University (28 October 2023)
Cross-Cultural Transitions: Staying Grounded While Being Mobile
Partners in Diplomacy International Women’s Day Luncheon
Global Leadership Geneva-Bern (8 March 2023)
Global Mental Health in the Missio Dei: Seven Foundations-Directions
Applications for Global: MH-Psyc-MHPSS (power point) Global Mental Health 1, School of Psychology and Counseling, Regent University (18 February 2023). Watch the video of the first half of the class (50 minutes, password is: +$EH?B1z) moderated by Dr. Emily Hervey (course instructor) in which the three guest presenters share about their professional and faith-based backgrounds and perspectives on GMH: Dr. Julian Eaton (UK–04’30”-22’30”), Dr. Smyrna Khalaf (Lebanon–23′-30′), and Dr. Kelly O’Donnell (USA–30’45”-49’30)
–GMH Overview and Directions: Sustainable Development-Survival-Destruction? Kelly O’Donnell (18 October 2022), Fordham University, Social Psychology and Clinical Psychology Seminar and Psychology Coalition at the UN Forum (power point HERE; 22 minutes video HERE)
–GMH and WHO: Reflections and Resources for Colleagues Across Sectors. Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma (20 April 2021) Kelly and Michele O’Donnell, power point (TBA)
–Wellbeing for All: Global Mental Health–Developments and Directions
Kelly’s presentation 7 October 2020, Argentina Mental Health Association Conference
––Working Globally Across Sectors: Reflections and Resources for Global Mental Health. Regent University, School of Psychology and Counseling (11 July 2020). Kelly and Michele O’Donnell
—Humanitarian Stress and Trauma, Payap University, Thailand (7 February 2020). Kelly O’Donnell
—Wellbeing and Global Mental Health, Payap University and Cornerstone Counseling Foundation, Thailand (6, 7 February 2020). Kelly O’Donnell
—The Trauma Pandemic: A Global Lens for Global Action and Partnering as Faith-Based People and Organizations. Michele and Kelly O’Donnell, presentations and handout, International Trauma Collaborative, USA (6 April 2019)
—Wellbeing for All: Global Mental Health and the Church-Mission Community (29 November 2019) , Michele and Kelly O’Donnell, GMH and Trauma Network, Lausanne Movement. Watch the webinar HERE
—Health for Peace: Contributions from Peace Psychology. Geneva Peace Week 2018: Building Peace in a Turbulent World. Kelly O’Donnell, Video 7 November 2018, UN Geneva
Global Integration and Global Integrity: Applications for Mental Health Professionals Graduate School of Clinical Psychology, George Fox University (presentation 23 March 2017
—Sustainable Global Mental Health Development, power point presentation, World Mental Health Day Event, 5 October 2016, Ecumenical Centre, Geneva
—GMH: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors; power point by Kelly and Michele O’Donnell, William James College, Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health, USA, (inaugural conference, 26 June 2015)
—GMH: Staying Updated-Crossing Sectors, Spring Conversation Series, O’Neill Institute, Georgetown University. 6 May 2014; handouts
—GMH and NGOs: Working Together Well! Short version of power point-plenary session, Kelly O’Donnell, HimalPartner GMH Seminar, Oslo, 7 March 2014
—GMH: A Resource Map for Connecting and Contributing Keynote/power point presentation at the Nordic WHO Simulation Conference, Copenhagen, 7 August 2013–a GMH overview including six short video links; click here for the handouts
GMH Net-Hubs
Click HERE to see the one-page concept note for developing GMH Net-Hubs
Keep in the forefront the opportunities for “selfless moral struggle” in partnering with others (Patel et al. 2011, p. 90) and the “duty and choice to risk one’s owns rights and well-being” on behalf of fellow humans (O’Donnell, 2011, p. 187). Develop your personal character and professional competence as a responsible global citizen. Form a global caravan for your GMH journey in the service of humanity. (Adapted from GMH: A Resource Primer for Exploring the Domain, 2012)