**Article 1. Global Mental Health: A Resource Map for Connecting and Contributing (Psychology International, July 2011). This brief article provides a 60 minute overview of GMH via links to 10 written/multimedia resources on the web. It’s a great way to quickly see the big picture.
**Article 2. Global Mental Health: Finding Your Niches and Networks (Psychology International, March 2012). This brief article builds upon the first article. It identifies 10 overlapping areas of GMH (niche-nets) with links to current web resources for each area.
**Article 3. Global Mental Health: A Resource Primer for Exploring the Domain (International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, July 2012). This is a major research article with an extensive listing of GMH resources, prioritizing those from the last 10 years. The resources are categorized into six areas: organizations, publications, conferences, training, human rights, and humanitarian. It is also foundational for the previous two articles as well as the new web site, GMH-Map—part of a collaborative project to identify and share GMH resources widely.
**Article 4. Exploring Global Mental Health: A Global Map for a Global Movement. In K. O’Donnell (Ed). (2013). Global member care (vol. 2): Crossing sectors for serving humanity (pp. 229-244). Pasadena ,CA: William Carey Library. “I thought sorting out GMH would be pretty easy going, having lived and worked internationally as a consulting psychologist for nearly twenty-five years. But it reminded me of trying to grasp the multilayered reality in movies like The Matrix, Syriana, or Inception. It was as intriguing as it was daunting. And I was not alone in this mixed experience. So I read, researched, attended conferences, listened to lectures, and met with some of GMH’s remarkable movers and shakers. I figured that if I could at least identify some recent hallmarks and some major precursors, then I could begin to create a map of GMH….I thus ended up developing and refining with the help of many colleagues a “global resource map” (O’Donnell 2012). It is a core sampler of GMH resources, a primer that addresses key historical highlights from the last two decades with emphasis on the past five years. ”
**Article 5. Global Mental Health: Strategies for Staying Updated (Psychology International, March 2014)–Click here for the full version of the article. This brief article identifies seven “GMH flows” that are important for getting updated and staying updated in GMH. It also includes relevant updates from other sectors–health, humanitarian, development, economic.
**Article 6. Global Mental Health: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors (Psychology International, June 2015).”Mental health colleagues continue to play key roles in leveraging their skills, interests and character strengths as they connect and contribute across sectors on behalf of the well-being of people and our planet. The article is organized into two main sections: Context resources (six representative reports on global issues) and core resources (six representative lists of GMH materials). Collectively, the resources are designed to help you “track” (stay current) and “trek” (collaborate together) with GMH, especially in view of the major efforts underway to promote comprehensive sustainable development.”
**Article 7. Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development (Global Mental Health, September, 2016). “Global mental health (GMH) is a growing domain with an increasing capacity to positively impact the world community’s efforts for sustainable development and wellbeing. Sharing and synthesizing GMH and multi-sectoral knowledge, the focus of this paper, is an important way to support these global efforts. This paper consolidates some of the most recent and relevant ‘context resources’ [global multi-sector (GMS) materials, emphasizing world reports on major issues] and ‘core resources’ (GMH materials, including newsletters, texts, conferences, training, etc.). In addition to offering a guided index of materials, it presents an orientation framework (global integration) to help make important information as accessible and useful as possible. Mental health colleagues are encouraged to stay current in GMH and global issues, to engage in the emerging agendas for sustainable development and wellbeing, and to intentionally connect and contribute across sectors. Colleagues in all sectors are encouraged to do likewise, and to take advantage of the wealth of shared and synthesized knowledge in the GMH domain, such as the materials featured in this paper.” (Abstract)
**Article 8. GMH: Collaborating Across Sectors for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing (co-authored with Julian Eaton). Mental Health: A Forgotten Facet of Health Care (special theme-issue), Medicus Mundi Switzerland, Bulletin 141 (29 June 2017). “This article orients colleagues across sectors to Global Mental Health (GMH) and its relevance for the collective efforts to promote sustainable development and wellbeing. The authors include examples of GMH resources organized into 10 areas of “GMH Engagement”. Colleagues are encouraged to connect and contribute to GMH as they consider the application of the materials featured in this article for their work.” (Abstract)
**Article 9. GMH: What’s Up? Recent Developments and Directions (co-authored with Julian Eaton and Michele Lewis O’Donnell). Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, American Psychological Association (June 2019). Are we shifting into a new phase of global mental health (GMH)? Very likely. In this short article we highlight several recent markers over the past year (events, reports, manuals, campaigns, consortia, etc.) that collectively reflect crucial developments and directions as well as increased momentum for GMH. It is the latest in an ongoing series of articles to orient colleagues in mental health and across sectors to GMH. We sense that GMH Generation 2.0 is upon us–as seen in the major growing awareness, acceptance, advocacy, collaboration, action, and hopefully increased funding for mental health (e.g., national health budgets, the Wellcome Trust’s additional £200 million for mental health research). Note: The article linked at the top is for a short version for APA. Click HERE for the full version. Click HERE for the overview version.
***Article 10. GMH: Collaborating for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing (April 2021). A revised version of this article will appear in the forthcoming volume (in press): E.P. Congress, H. Takooshian, & S. Osborn (Eds.), Behavioral Science in the Global Arena. Information Age Publishing. “Mental health is increasingly being recognized for its pivotal role in health, sustainable development, and wellbeing for all people and of the planet. In this chapter we highlight several markers that collectively reflect crucial developments and directions for mental health’s global impact. These comprise events, reports, manuals, campaigns, consortia, etc., and this body of markers represent the culmination of a series of articles over the past 10 years to orient colleagues in mental health and across sectors to the domain of Global Mental Health (GMH) (GMH-Map Project). We organize the markers into 10 areas of engagement for GMH Collaboration and conclude with perspectives on working together into the future.” Note: Updated materials are in the Special News-Featured Highlights section of the GMH-Map website.
***Article 11. Global Mental Health. Rich, G. and O’Donnell, K. (in press). Oxford Bibliographies. Over 100 annotated references–major representative materials–organized into 11 categories and to be updated and added to about every two years.
GMH Related Articles
**Article 1. Linking Mental Health and NCD Alliance Campaign Priorities for the 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting on NCDs (co-authored with Julian Eaton, Lucy Westerman, and Fiona Adshead). Enough Campaign, NCD Alliance (June 2018). Mental health conditions are one of the major groups of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and have crucial relevance in the efforts to control and prevent NCDs. They have close links to cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, respiratory and other NCDs. By considering mental ill health and other NCDs together, we can improve the lives of people affected by NCDs worldwide, and guide advocacy at global, regional and national level for strong commitments at the September 2018 UN High Level Meeting on NCDs.
**Article 2. No Turning Back for the World Community. The International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations. Global Insights, Office of International Affairs, American Psychological Association, January 2020). The KIT Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam was the historic venue for the Second Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit (7-8 October). In the spotlight were on the estimated 130+ million people currently in need of humanitarian assistance, the overlapping 70+ million people currently who have been forcefully displaced through protracted conflicts and calamities, and the millions of local/national staff and international staff working diligently to help. A central place in the Conference was given to hear the remarkable stories of several people who have lived through the horrific hardships of wars and disasters, and who have found the resilience and support which helped them to survive and in turn help other people. Other major emphases were the 10 Breakout Sessions in which participants could discuss topics summarized in the Conference’s Background Document and Recommendations (e.g., Scaling up MHPSS, Workforce development, Research and innovation, Children, adolescents, and families; Staff support); and many country and organizational examples of implementing MHPSS.
**Article 3. Engaging in Humanity Care: Stress, Trauma, and Humanitarian Work. Christian Psychology Around the World–Special Focus: Coping with Stress in Theory and Practice (Issue 14, May 2020, pp. 153-167). “In this article we focus on the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff in the humanitarian sector. More specifically, in Part One we highlight stress and trauma for humanitarian workers and in Part Two we share perspectives and resources to support humanitarian workers. We draw from our work as Christians in mental health and member care and in the context of our broad, multi-sectoral involvements for “engaging in humanity care.” Keep in mind the personal and organizational benefits when everyone involved in the humanitarian sector stay resilient and healthy. This includes administrators, managers, leaders, volunteers, international and local/national staff, family members, teams, organizations, and the helpers themselves.”
**Article 4. (Resource Update). Covid Care: Reflections and Resources for Wellbeing. Global Integration Update (February 2021). Oriented for colleagues across sectors and around the world. Covid care is defined as “promoting and maintaining mental health and wellbeing for all persons and peoples (ranging from informal to formal services, guidelines, policies–local through global) during the multi-faceted challenges of COVID-19 and beyond…We compiled the covid care materials [in this Update] over the past year to support colleagues and organizations across countries and sectors. Some of the issues and resources: anxiety, trauma, depression, confinement, loneliness, loss, grief, relationship strains, coping for children, work insecurities, spiritual struggles, uncertainty/concerns about what is going on, compassion, courage, mutual support, faith-based strengths, etc.”